Monday, November 15, 2010

The Move*

Growing up in Sydney, Australia most people think that my childhood consisted of feeding kangaroos and taking care of koalas. Sorry to bring light to those who still think this is true but Sydney is actually a big city. Well, at least that is what I thought until I moved to Manhattan.

On the morning of September 1st 2010 I wheeled my giant suitcase downstairs, grabbed my teddy off my bed and tearfully waved goodbye to my beautiful house. As my parents dropped me off at the airport the tears just wouldn't stop. Partially because I was extremely sad to be leaving my family and friends behind but mainly because I was scared of what lay ahead.

Other than a place to stay I had nothing else waiting for me when I arrived in the Big Apple. As I walked into my new apartment it was bare. I opened my suitcase and pulled out a couple of things that I had brought from home to make my new space 'homely'. Sadly I had understimated how much stuff you actually need to make 'homely' happen.

That first week saw my credit card get a little bit of a beating. Linen, furniture, food and utensils all needed to be bought. As much as my credit card may not have enjoyed the experience, I definitely did! It was exciting to think that I could literally start my life all over again. Buy anything, Be anyone. Very exhilarating!

* *My advice to anyone moving across the world with no more than a suitcase: make sure you write a list of exactly what you need to buy when you get there. Otherwise, you will end up like me.. wondering what on earth you bought a glow in the dark picture frame and 3 different 'I love NYC' mugs for?**

My new apartment was now furnished and excitement began to set in. Realizing that it was now time to start my new life.

It was now time for the fun to begin...

A Big Welcome*

A BIG hello and welcome to Candy's Apple. A place where nothing is off limits and everything is sweet... most of the time.

So here comes the important question... what is this blog all about?

While studying design back in my hometown of Sydney, Australia, I was told I had to do an internship to complete my degree. The rules were:
a. I could do anything within the realm of design and most importantly...
b. it could be anywhere in the world.
As soon as rule b came out of my professors mouth, my ears heard a small voice. It was New York calling my name!

I packed my bags, kissed the family goodbye and moved to Manhattan. Trusting that the legendary Big Apple would infuse my life with passion, love and above all inspiration.

This blog is about my adventures from downunder to downtown. A place far from sunny Sydney. A place where dreams are not only made but born.

Join me as I deal with New York living, internship dilemmas and new experiences. All through the eyes of Candy's apple.